Blog Posts
Waiting for a Dream
Faith, God's Faithfulness, Prayer
|Ever notice wait is a four-letter word? Like some other four-letter words we generally don’t like to hear it. Most of the waiting we do is no big deal; an annoyance: waiting in the grocery line (even the self-check lines usually require some waiting); waiting for the school bus (you’re required to be there ten…
Forgiving Ourselves
Faith, God's Faithfulness, Grace
|Jesus is always faithful to forgive. When we “miss the mark” – either by chance or choice – we need to go to our loving Lord (and anyone else we’ve wronged) with a repentant heart, humbly asking forgiveness. While Jesus is always faithful to forgive, sometimes others are not. They may be angry, hurt, or…
Faith, God's Faithfulness, Grace
|Sometimes we forget that the Lord has given us the privilege of choosing who we want to be. At any point, we can choose to continue to be who we’ve always been or grow into the person the Lord envisioned. At a wedding reception, I saw a couple I hadn’t seen in a while. I…
Passed Over
Faith, God's Faithfulness, Grace
|Being “passed over” when teams were being formed in gym was never a good feeling. Being rejected – “passed over” – for an opportunity to participate in a play or join others for a special activity was painful. Being “passed over” by the in-crowd was wounding. As adults, we may have found ourselves “passed over”…
When God Says “No”
Faith, God's Faithfulness, Prayer
|How do we respond when the Lord’s answer is “No”? When we struggle with relationships, problems, finances, illness, or see a loved one slowly slipping into the deepening shadow of Alzheimer’s? My sister suffers from schizophrenia. Diagnosed decades ago, I long prayed for healing only to watch her symptoms worsen. There are so many stories…
A Steadfast Focus on Jesus
Faith, Grace
|At the conclusion of 2020 many of us (myself included) were optimistically looking forward to the fresh start a new year brings. Hoping to put political and racial tensions behind us, encouraged by the announcement of vaccines to help protect us from COVID, we anticipated a respite from the unending anxiety and stress of a…
Trusting God with the Future
Faith, God's Faithfulness
|Lately, I’ve struggled to trust God with the future. Listening to the news, I’m challenged to believe for a better tomorrow – or at least one that’s no worse than today. Sometimes I slip into worry. I have to remind myself that God is sovereign. Over and over I recall Jeremiah 29:11: “‘For I know…
Courage to Believe
Faith, God's Faithfulness, Prayer
|Last year we received three surprises: both our daughters were pregnant, they were due in the same month, and both babies were diagnosed with serious health issues. Wow. I have anxious moments during pregnancies, struggling with “what if” fears. But when tests reveal something is wrong the hovering “what if” becomes an identifiable, sharp-toothed monster.…
God Keeps His Promises
Faith, God's Faithfulness, Grace
|Obedience and blessing. Years ago, I decided to “go,” to accept a job in another state. Going was my idea. I had doubts but couldn’t identify a “good reason” why I shouldn’t go. It was a great job; it would be a step up in my career. Despite repeatedly sensing I should stay (which I…
Prayer Warriors
Faith, God's Faithfulness, Prayer
|Abby is a faithful prayer warrior. Every day Abby spends hours in prayer. We met almost thirty years ago when she facilitated a women’s prayer group, a fellowship that gathered and prayed for many years. Over fifteen years ago Abby became a widow, losing her husband to a sudden, fatal heart attack. We talked one…