Blog Posts
Our Focus Determines Our Future
Faith, God's Faithfulness
|Are you ready to rip-off, wad-up and toss the last calendar page of 2020? I am. I don’t know anyone who isn’t. 2020 has the potential of leaving us with PTSD, unable to stand, questioning the faithfulness of God. That’s not a good place to be. Even though it may not seem like it, we…
The Gift
God's Faithfulness
|Have you ever received a gift and forgotten about it? I have. Perhaps yours was a birthday present, something that was overlooked after the candles were blown out and you had opened the gift you really wanted. Maybe it was a Christmas gift, one among many. With paper flying as family and friends excitedly opened…
Jesus Calling
|How do you cope with an annoying, on-going responsibility? An obligation some would say is “not your problem.” A duty that it’s clear Jesus wants you to assume. Nancy lived with schizophrenia, an incurable disease. Management of her care fell to Sherrie, her closest relative. While all Nancy’s needs were addressed through social services, her…
Faith, Prayer
|Making Decisions How do you make a decision? Every day we make dozens of them, with no conscious thought: take the vitamins; flip the light switch; flush the toilet. If I don’t take my morning vitamins then I might find myself sluggish that afternoon. Annoying but not life-threatening. Forget to turn the light on before…
Little Things
God's Faithfulness
|Sometimes small things can make a big difference. Years ago, there was a sermon preached on a sensitive passage. Devote Christians interpret the passage differently, generally falling into two distinct camps. I was a member of the other camp. (That was a known fact.) Though it certainly wasn’t a personal attack, I was devastated. Much…
With Thanksgiving on Our Lips
Faith, God's Faithfulness
|Life can be overwhelming. Sometimes the Lord gives us what feels like way more than we can handle. Recently I found myself dealing with an elderly mother-in-law in palliative care, a mentally ill family member refusing needed treatment for a physical problem, and an emotionally challenged member struggling with consequences – some from her decisions…
Banishing “But”
|We need to virtually banish the word but from our vocabulary. But can be okay, occasionally showing up with a positive slant on things. Unfortunately, but frequently shows up with its pal if or worse, with its two best friends, what if. But and but what if can wreck havoc in the heart and mind.…
The Greatest Gift
God's Faithfulness
|“No one has greater love [nor stronger commitment] than to lay down his own life for his friends.” (John 15:13, Amplified Bible) You gave me the greatest gift ever given, a gift of incalculable value at an unimaginable cost. When I try to imagine the price all within me recoils at the thought: the excruciating pain, the…
God's Faithfulness, Grace
|“I don’t deserve this,” I prayed. I sighed with quiet frustration. I know I’m a sinner; I don’t “deserve” anything good. But I still felt frustrated. For years I had made time to support an ill family member. She often acknowledged my help with a “thank you,” but there were many difficult and frustrating times.…
To The Rescue!
God's Faithfulness
|Sometimes when a family member or close friend has a need we find ourselves wishing we could fill the need: Their furnace had died, a storm ripped off a section of their roof and the next tuition payment was due. Ugh!! How I longed to step in and fill at least one of the needs.…