Jesus Calling

How do you cope with an annoying, on-going responsibility? An obligation some would say is “not your problem.” A duty that it’s clear Jesus wants you to assume.

Nancy lived with schizophrenia, an incurable disease. Management of her care fell to Sherrie, her closest relative.

While all Nancy’s needs were addressed through social services, her “wants” were another story. These depended on Sherrie shopping and running errands for Nancy, which she did faithfully every two weeks.

But between shopping trips Nancy would call with questions, concerns or simply talk that reflected her fluctuating mental state. Some issues were valid, while others held no merit. Often calls came before Sherrie was out of bed. The phone would ring, Sherrie would check her caller ID and, despite her love for Nancy, Sherrie would groan.

Most of us have found ourselves with an annoying or inconvenient responsibility, an ongoing task we know Jesus wants us to accept. What if, instead of groaning, we choose to think of it as Jesus calling?

In Matthew 25 Jesus tells us that when He comes in judgement, we will be reminded that during our lives He approached us clothed in humanity as those who were hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick or in prison (see Matthew 25:37-40).  How did we receive “Jesus in disguise”? Our response today has consequences now and into eternity.

We can choose (and discipline ourselves) to think and act differently – with kindness and compassion – about the sometimes disruptive “calls” we receive, responding with compassion that displays itself even when no one sees.

Admittedly, it requires effort to change our attitude and affect our response. The intrusions need to be embraced with patience, empathy and kindness, understanding (and accepting) that this is part of the work Jesus has given us to do.

We are called to display His love, His heart – even when it’s “inconvenient.” The Lord watches and takes note of what we’re doing. He sees our actions, actions that can transform our inward response to even the most trying task.

When we choose to set aside our agenda and embrace God’s desire to work though us, we assist the Holy Spirit in touching lives. And we bless the heart of God.

Imagine the smile that brings to His face.


© Debbie Lowe, Life Lessons from the Living Word, 2020.


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