Big Hairy Scary Giants

“‘Do not fear, only believe.’” (Mark 5:36, English Standard Version)

Another restless night. Forgive me, Lord. After several days – maybe even a couple weeks – focusing on You, resting in Your peace (mostly), I fell off the wagon – again. Frustrated by another’s reluctance to set aside pride, I reverted to imagining the worst “what if” scenario. Scary stuff… sleepless night stuff.


Oh Lord, why is it so hard to hold onto the truth of Your word when I’m looking at the possibility of giants showing up? I know You have dominion over everything – including my giants. I know You will not allow anything to come to me without Your presence; You will always be with me and You will always provide.

When I get scared I lose my focus on You. I forget to remind myself of all the “giants” You slew in the past. Like the giant of raising a very troubled child to settled adulthood. Like the giant of financial provision (more than once) when I couldn’t see how things would work. Like the giant of confusion (which has also shown up more than once), slew by You as You spoke through Your word, another believer or a book.

As I struggled to “only believe,”* You (again) faithfully spoke into my agitation, quieting the storm. The big hairy-scary giant is reduced to a small hairball. Help me remember that, with You Lord, that is his actual size.

*Mark 5:36, English Standard Version

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